About Northern Rights

We’re passionate about helping disadvantaged people to gain the skills and confidence that will help them into sustainable employment, most importantly the right job role to suit their individual needs.
Our vision is simple:
To be recognised as the best welfare to work organisation in the North East, delivering outcomes in excess of other organisations. As a result people will want to partner with us and disadvantaged people, particularly those with health problems, will want us to help them improve their life chances.
Our values, which underpin everything we do and were developed by our staff, are:
- We are passionate about helping our participants, leaving no one behind
- We are proud of our history and passionate about where the business is going
- We support each other and work as a team to exceed our objectives
- We respect our participants, treating them as individuals, helping them move forward in their lives
- We respect the history of our organisation and the objectives for the future
- We have respect for each other and everyone we work with
- We strive for excellence in all that we do looking for every opportunity to help our participants
- We believe we are the best welfare to work organisation in the North East, employing the best staff and working with the best organisations that in turn want to work with us
- We celebrate our success and maintain a sense of fun